May 27, 2024


In a historic move aimed at revolutionizing postgraduate education and research across East Africa, Makerere University has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with five prominent universities. The agreement, formalized on May 24, brings together the University of Addis Ababa (AAU), the University of Rwanda (UR), Makerere University (Mak), Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM), the University of...
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In light of recent findings from a comprehensive study on the effects of digitalization on youth employment, scholars, including Dr. Matovu Fred, the Principal Investigator, are calling for a significant expansion of the private sector to address the rising unemployment rates among educated youth. The research, which delves into how the youth in Uganda are...
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Activists have called on the government to incorporate gender considerations in public policy making to achieve economic transformation and social sustainability. This appeal was made during a policy dialogue at Makerere University on May 21, organized by the College of Business and Management Sciences in collaboration with American University. Ms. Safia Nalule Jjuuko, Chairperson of...
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