September 2023


1.0 Background Arising from an existing Memorandum of Understanding (September 2021) between University of Padova, Italy (UniPd) and Makerere University (Mak), the two institutions partnered and were jointly granted funding for the Erasmus+ KA171 international credit mobility for students and staff, 2022-2025. At Mak, the Departmental Flow Coordinator is Felix Wamono (PhD) and the project Principal Investigator is...
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Over 120 students under the School of Economics at the College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS) and the Environment for Development Project (EfD) have donated 800 umbrella tree seedlings to Kiboga District. While handing over the tree seedlings to Kiboga District officials at the district headquarters on Thursday (September 21, 2013), Dr. John Sseruyange,...
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