
Edward Bbaale, PhD

Principal & Professor of Economics

Department of Economic Theory and Analysis

Contact Information

Telephone: +256-783-573395 

Fax: +256-414-532355;

Email: eddybbaale@gmail.com, edward_bbaale@yahoo.com, edward.bbaale@mak.ac.ug

Office Location: Office of the Principal , School of Economics, Level 5, Room 5.10, School of Economics Building


Edward Bbaale is a Professor of Economics and holds a PhD in Economics, M.A. Economic Policy and Planning and B.A. Economics among other qualifications. He is currently the Principal, College of Business and Management Sciences at Makerere University and the Director of EfD-Mak Centre which is part of the Global Network of Environmental Economics Research Centres supported by Sida. With support from Sida, Edward is the Lead Person at Makerere University for the Inclusive Green Economy (IGE) Capacity Development Program for Senior Civil Servants and Policy Makers. Previously served as the Dean of the School of Economics at Makerere University.

With support from the World Bank, Edward is the Principal Investigator of a Project intended to establish a Public Investment Management Centre of Excellence (PIM CoE) at Makerere University. Connected to this agenda, Edward has been trained in Investment Appraisal and Risk Analysis Program of Queens University-Canada. Prior to that, Edward served as a Graduate Programmes Coordinator for the School of Economics from 2012 to 2013.  He has very rich hands-on experience in economics research with a bias towards development microeconomics for enterprises and households. He was in 2017 awarded post-doc scholarship by the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education & Research (OeAD-GmbH) to undertake research at the Vienna Institute of International Economic Studies (wiiw) in Vienna-Austria.

He was in 2013 nominated as a Visiting Fellow for the Journal of African Economies, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, UK. He was in 2010 nominated for the Visiting Research Fellow Position at the Centre for Global Development in Washington D.C.  USA.  He was in 2019 appointed a Chairperson of the Governing Council of Kampala Polytechnic-Mengo. He was in 2021 appointed a Member of the University Council at Muteesa I Royal University. He was in 2021 appointed Member of the National Task Force on the Enhancement of Labour Productivity. He is an External Examiner at Kyambogo University, University of Malawi, University of Zambia, University Namibia, National University of Lesotho, and WITS University. He was an External Examiner at the University of Zimbabwe 2015/16-2019/2020.

He is a Member of the Expanded Board of the National Planning Authority since 2015. He is a member of Senate of Makerere University and sits on several Senate Committees such as the Admissions Committee among others. He was a Chairperson of a Special Task Force that developed the Student Work and Employment Scheme Policy at Makerere University. He is a member of the African Economic Research Consortium Academic Advisory Board in Nairobi, Kenya. He is the Vice Chairperson of Makerere University Deans’ Forum (MUDF). He is a member Scientific Committee of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Young Economists Network (ECA-YEN).

Edward has authored over 40 papers, published in peer reviewed journals. Two of his papers were voted as HighlyCommended Award Winners at Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2012 and 2019 (<http://www.emeraldinsight.com/literati>). At national level, he has implemented a number of policy-relevant research projects with key Government Ministries and Agencies as well as the private sector.


  • PhD (Economics), Johannes Kepler University of Linz-Austria, 2008. Topic, “Export Composition, Productivity, and Economic Growth in Developing Countries”
  • M.A. (Economic Policy and Planning), Makerere University, 2002
  • B.A. (Economics), Makerere University, 1998

Research Interests

Development Microeconomics for enterprises and households

Employment Record

  • Professor of Economics, 01st July 2021 to date.
  • Dean, School of Economics, Makerere University, 2nd February 2015 to date.
  • Associate Professor of Economics, 1st December 2014 to date.
  • Senior Lecturer, School of Economics, August 2012-November 31st 2014.
  • Visiting Research Fellow, Centre for Global Development in Washington D.C.  USA, September 2010-September 2011 (Fellowship sponsored by IDRC-Canada)
  • Lecturer, School of Economics, 2008-2012.
  • Assistant Lecturer, School of Economics, 2003-2008.
  • Teaching Assistant, Makerere University, Faculty of Economics and Management 2002-2003.
  • Part-time Lecturer, Ndejje University 1999-2003.
  • Part-time Lecturer, Kampala International University 2003-2004

Publications in Peer reviewed Journals

  • Edward Bbaale (2022) with Okumu Ibrahim & Naluwooza Patricia. “Firm Dynamics, Job Creation and Job Destruction in Africa: Is the Quality of Institutional Environment Relevant? Forthcoming in the European Journal of Development Research.
  • Edward Bbaale (2021) with Mounir Boukadidi, Steven Poelmans, Dimitri Mortelmans, & Maka De Lameilleure. “Accelerated Digitalization Under Conditions of Non-Trust and Fear, Saving Businesses Post COVID-19”. Chapter in a Book titled “Reconstructing Global Markets: Challenges, Policies, And Strategies. By Global Business and Technology Association), ISBN: 1-932917-17-9, ISSN: 2471-6006 (Online), 9-17.
  • Edward Bbaale (2021) with Enock W. N Bulime and Ibrahim Mukisa. “Public Debt Sustainability: Estimating the Fiscal Reaction Function for Uganda (1981/82–2016/17)” Tanzanian Economic Review, Vol. 11 No. 1, June, pp. 1–34. https://journals.udsm.ac.tz/index.php/ter/article/view/4159 
  • Edward Bbaale (2020) with Salmon Mugoda, Stephen Esaku, and Rose Kibuka Nakimu. “The portrait of Uganda’s informal sector: What main obstacles do the sector face?” Cogent Economics & Finance, Vol. 8, pp. 1-28. https://doi.org/10.1080/23322039.2020.1843255.
  • Edward Bbaale (2020) with Ebele Amaechina, Anthony Amoah, Franklin Amuakwa-Mensah, Salome Amuakwa-Mensah, Jorge A. Bonilla, Johanna Brühl, Joseph Cook, Nnaemeka Chukwuone, David Fuente, Róger Madrigal-Ballestero, Rolando Marín, Pham Khanh Nam, Jackson Otieno, Roberto Ponce, Carlos A. Saldarriaga, Felipe Vasquez Lavin, Bárbara Viguera and Martine Visser “Policy Note: Policy Responses to Ensure Access to Water and sanitation Services During COVID-19: Snapshots from the Environment for Development (EfD) Network” Water Economics and Policy, Vol. 6, No. 4 pp. 1-14.  DOI: 10.1142/S2382624X20710022.
  • Edward Bbaale (2020) with Robert Nabende and Ibrahim Mukisa. “Determinants of Interest Rate Spreads in Uganda’s Commercial Banking Sector: A Panel Data Analysis” Tanzanian Economic Review, Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 1–32. http://ter.udsm.ac.tz/index.php/ter/article/view/44
  • Edward Bbaale (2020) with Kilimani N., Nnyanzi J.B., Okumu I.M. “Agricultural Productivity and Household Welfare in Uganda: Examining the Relevance of Agricultural Improvement Interventions. In: Osabuohien E. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Agricultural and Rural Development in Africa. Palgrave Macmillan, Chamhttps://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-41513-6_8.
  • Edward Bbaale (2020) with Vivian Nagawa and Francis Wasswa.  Determinants of gross domestic savings in Uganda: an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach to cointegration. Journal of Economic Structures, Vol. 9(39). pp. 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40008-020-00209-1 .
  • Edward Bbaale (2020) with Henry Tumwebaze Karamuriro and Edward Patrick Ssemanda. Foreign Aid Inflow and Domestic Savings in Uganda: Error Correction Modelling. Journal of World Economic Research. Vol. 9, No. 1, 2019, pp. 51-60. doi: 10.11648/j.jwer.20200901.17
  • Edward Bbaale (2019) with John Ssozi, “The Effects of the Catch-Up Mechanism on the Structural Transformation of Sub-Saharan Africa”. Economies 2019, 7, 111; doi: 10.3390/economies7040111, www.mdpi.com/journal/economies .
  • Edward Bbaale (2019) with Ibrahim Mike Okumu and Madina Mwagale Guloba. “Innovation and employment growth: Evidence from manufacturing firms in Africa”. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 8(7). pp. 1-27. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13731-019-0102-2 .
  • Edward Bbaale (2019) with KURAYISH SSEBULIME. “Budget Deficit and Inflation Nexus in Uganda 1980-2016. Journal of Economic Structures, Vol. 8(3). pp. 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40008-019-0136-4 .
  • Edward Bbaale (2019) with Ibrahim Mike Okumu and Suzan Namirembe Kavuma,  (2019)  “Imported inputs and exporting in the Africa’s manufacturing sector”, World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 15 Issue: 1, pp.19-30, https://doi.org/10.1108/WJEMSD-04-2018-0043.
  • Edward Bbaale (2019) with Susan N. Kavuma. “Determinants of Income Mobility in Uganda” Chapter in a Book titled “Efficiency, Equity and Well-Being in Selected African Countries” (In: Economic Studies in Inequality, Social Exclusion and Well-Being. Berlin. Springer-Verlag), pp. 257-275. https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783030114183.
  • Edward Bbaale (2018) with Ibrahim Mike Okumu, “Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Uganda: A Critical Analysis” Development Policy Review, Volume 37 (6) pp. 1-15. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/dpr.12407
  • Edward Bbaale (2018) “Infrastructure quality and firm productivity in Africa”, World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 14 Issue: 4 (pp. 367 – 384),https://doi.org/10.1108/WJEMSD-11-2017-0091 .
  • Edward Bbaale, Ibrahim Mike Okumu, (2018) “Corruption and firm-level productivity: greasing or sanding effect?” World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 14 Issue: 3, pp.222-241, https://doi.org/10.1108/WJEMSD-10-2017-0067.
  • Bbaale E. (2018) with Sulait TumwineSamuel Sejjaaka, and Nixon Kamukama, “An empirical analysis of bank specific factors affecting interest rate of Ugandan banking financial institutions”, World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 14 Issue: 2, pp.153-167, https://doi.org/10.1108/WJEMSD-07-2017-0046.
  • Bbaale E. (2018) with Sulait TumwineSamuel Sejjaaka, and Nixon Kamukama, “Determinants of interest rate in emerging markets: A study of banking financial institutions in Uganda”, World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 14 Issue: 3, pp.267-290, https://doi.org/10.1108/WJEMSD-10-2017-0070.
  • Bbaale E. (2017) with Micah Samuel Gaalya & Hisali Eria “Trade Openness and Tax Revenue Performance in East African Countries” Modern Economy, VOL 8, pp. 690-711
  • Bbaale E. (2017) with Micah Samuel Gaalya & Hisali Eria “Trade Openness and Disaggregated Import Demand in East African Countries” Modern Economy, VOL 8, pp. 667-689
  • Bbaale E. and Okumu Ibrahim M. (2016)Realized Access to Antenatal Care Utilization in Uganda: Household Welfare and Governance Implications”. African Journal of Economic Review, VOL 4, ISSUE 1, JAN 2016, pp.38-60
  • Bbaale E. (2016)Breastfeeding and Child Health in Uganda”. African Journal of Economic Review, VOL 4, ISSUE 1, JAN 2016, pp.38-60
  • Bbaale E. and Okumu Ibrahim M. (2016)Socio-Economic Status and Malaria Prevalence among Infants: A Case of Uganda”. African Journal of Economic Review, VOL 4, ISSUE 1, JAN 2016, pp.132-142
  • Bbaale E. (2015)Immunization Status and Child Survival in Uganda”. African Journal of Economic Review, VOL 3, ISSUE 1, JAN 2015, pp.1-20
  • Bbaale E. (2014), “Determinants of Early Initiation, Exclusive, and Duration of Breastfeeding in Uganda”. J HEALTH POPUL NUTR Vol. 32(2), pp. 249-260.
  • Edward Bbaale, (2014) “Maternal education and child nutritional status: evidence from Uganda”, African Journal of Economic and Management Studies, Vol. 5 Iss: 1, pp.52 – 74.
  • Bbaale E. (2014) “Where Are the Ugandan Youth? Socio-Economic Characteristics and Implications for Youth Employment in Uganda” Journal of Politics and Law Vol. 7, No. 1, pp.37-63.
  • Bbaale E. and Buyinza F. (2013) “Parents’ Education and Child Schooling Outcome: Evidence from Uganda” Journal of Politics and Law Vol. 6, No. 4, pp.77-89.
  • Bbaale E. (2013) “Is Uganda’s Growth Profile Jobless?” International Journal of Economics and Finance Vol. 5, No. 11, pp.105-123.
  • Buyinza F. And Bbaale E. (2013) “Access to Credit and the Effect of Credit Constraints on the Performance of Manufacturing Firms in the East African Region: Micro Analysis” International Journal of Economics and FinanceVol. 5, No. 10, pp.85-99.
  • Faisal Buyinza and Bbaale, E. (2013), “Financial Constraints and Manufacturing Firms’ Trade Margins in Sub-Saharan Africa.” The Ugandan Journal of Management and Public Policy, Volume 6(1), pp.67-79.
  • Bbaale E. (2013), “Factors Influencing Childhood Immunization in Uganda”. J HEALTH POPUL NUTR 2013 Mar; 31(1):118-129.
  • Bbaale, E. (2012), “Prenatal Care and Childbirth Weight in Uganda and Tanzania.” The Ugandan Journal of Management and Public Policy, Volume 4(1), pp.46-66.
  • Bbaale E. (2012), “Is Learning-by-Exporting and Self-selection Market Specific? Evidence from Uganda’s Manufacturing Sector” African Journal of Economic Policy, Vol 19(2), pp.69-91.
  • Basemera, S., Mutenyo, J., Hisali, E., and Bbaale, E. (2012), “Foreign Direct Investment Inflows to East Africa: Do Institutions Matter?” Journal of Business Management and Applied Economics, http://jbmae.scientificpapers.org.
  • Bbaale, E. (2011), “Firm Level Productivity and Exporting in the Uganda’s Manufacturing Sector” African Journal of Economic and Management Studies, Vol.2 (2) pp. 220-242.
  • Bbaale, E. and Mpuga, P. (2011), “Female Education, Contraceptive Use, and Fertility: Evidence from Uganda” The Journal of Sustainable Development Vol. 6, PP. 20-47.
  • Bbaale, E. and Mutenyo, J.(2011), “Export Composition and Economic Growth in Sub-Sahara Africa: A Panel Analysis” The Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 6, pp. 1-19.
  • Bbaale, E. and Buyinza, F. (2011), “Micro-Analysis of Mother’s Education and Child Mortality: Evidence from Uganda” Journal of International Development, DOI: 10.1002/jid.1762.
  • Bbaale, E. and Guloba, A. (2011), “Maternal Education and Childbirth Care in Uganda” Australasian MedicalJournal, Vol 4(7), pp. 389-399.
  • Bbaale, E. and Guloba, A. (2011), “Determinants of Diarrhoea and Acute Respiratory Infection among Under-fives in Uganda” Australasian Medical Journal, Vol 4(7), pp. 400-409.
  • Bbaale, E. and Mpuga, P. (2011), “Female Education, Labor force Participation and Choice of Employment Type: Evidence from Uganda” International Journal of Economics and Business Modeling, Vol.2 (1), pp. 29-41.
  • Bbaale, E.  (2011), “Factors Influencing Timing and Frequency of Antenatal Care in Uganda” Australasian MedicalJournal, Vol 4(8), pp. 431-438.
  • Bbaale, E.  (2011), “Factors Influencing the Utilization of Antenatal Care Content in Uganda” Australasian MedicalJournal, Vol 4(8), pp. 516-526.

Workshops and Conferences

  • Attended the Environment for Development Initiative (EfD) Policy Day and EfD Fourteenth Annual Meeting, 16-20 November 2020, virtual meeting due to Covid-19.
  • Attended the Environment for Development Initiative (EfD) Policy Day and EfD Thirteenth Annual Meeting, 21-25 November 2019 in Bogotá, Colombia.
  • Attended the Decent Employment for Africa’s Youth Workshop as an Expert organised by AERC, IDRC and INCLUDE, 31 January 2018-02 February 2019 at Crowne Plaza Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Attended the Environment for Development Initiative (EfD) Policy Day and EfD Twelfth Annual Meeting, 01-05 November 2018 at Intercontinental Hotel in Hanoi, Vietnam.
  • Attended the CICan-IDRC Regional TVET Forum, 29th-30th May 2018 at the Trademark Hotel, Village Market, Limuru Road, Nairobi-Kenya.
  • Attended a Capacity Building Worshop On Estimation of National Parameters and Economic Analysis, 12th-13thFebruary, 2018 at Lake Victoria Serena Hotel Lweza, Entebbe-Uganda.
  • Attended a Retooling workshop in Macroeconomics: 6th -8th February 2017 at Nairobi Safari Club, Kenya. Sponsored and Organised by AERC.
  • Attended a Methodology workshop for Skills for Employment: Scaling-up Technical and Vocational Training in Africa; 7th -9th September 2016 at Radisson Blu Hotel in Lusaka, Zambia. Sponsored by IDRC.
  • Attended a Joint Collaborative Masters Programme (CMAP) and Collaborative PhD Programme (CPP) Academic Advisory Board; 8th – 12th May, 2016 in Reduit, Mauritius
  • Attended a Joint Collaborative Masters Programme (CMAP) and Collaborative PhD Programme (CPP) Academic Advisory Board; 28th– 30th October, 2015-Ngurdoto Mountain Lodge, Arusha, Tanzania
  • Attended a Joint Collaborative Masters Programme (CMAP) and Collaborative PhD Programme (CPP) Academic Advisory Board; 6th – 8th May, 2015-The Snow Crest Hotel, Arusha, Tanzania
  • Attended Technical Workshop on strengthening capacities for gender analysis in sub-Saharan African Countries; July 6th– 9th 2015-Lake Victoria Serena Hotel, Entebbe, Uganda. Sponsored by IDRC and Organised by EPRC in collaboration with ACODE and CRES.
  • Attended and Presented a paper at the Ministerial Forum for Ministers of Social Development in Eastern African Countries, February 23-27 2015 Hilton Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Attended UNU-WIDER International Development Conference on ‘Institutional Reforms for Transformation, Inclusion, and Sustainability’, June 29-30 2014 Sheraton Hotel, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  • Presented a Paper at the African Economic Research Consortium Biannual Research Workshop, June 1st-5th 2014-La Palm Royal Beach Hotel, Accra, Ghana.
  • Presented a Paper at the African Economic Research Consortium Biannual Research Workshop, December 1st-5th2013-Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Attended a Policy brief Training Workshop 7th -9th June 2013 at Mount Meru Hotel in Arusha-Tanzania.  Sponsored by African Economic Research Consortium
  • Attended a Conference at the Center for Study of African Economies (CSAE) Conference on Economic Development in Africa, March 17th -19nd 2013-Oxford UK.
  • Attended a Workshop for Special Issue of Feminist Economics on Engendering Economic Policy in Africa; May 10-11, 2013, Cape Town, South Africa.
  • Cutting Edge of Development Thinking for Uganda’s National Development Plan Workshop, Serena Lake Victoria Hotel, Kampala, 6-8 December 2012. Workshop was delivered by Senior Faculty at the Centre for International Development at Harvard University.
  • Presented a Paper at the African Economic Research Consortium Biannual Research Workshop, June 3rd-8th 2012-Mount Meru Hotel, Arusha, Tanzania.
  • Two-Week Technical Workshop on Gender and Economic Analysis Sponsored by AERC, April 23rd– 4th May 2012-Naura Springs Hotel, Arusha Tanzania.
  • Presented a Paper at the Center for Study of African Economies (CSAE) Conference on Economic Development in Africa, March 20th -22nd 2011-Oxford UK.
  • Presented a paper at the Africa Growth Forum under the Africa Growth Initiative of The Brookings Institution with the theme “Enhancing Agricultural Productivity for Shared Growth in Africa”, January 19-20, 2011, Washington D.C. USA
  • Facilitated at the Subject Specialist Workshop organized by the African Economic Research Consortium, 23rd-27thJune 2009, Panari Hotel, and Nairobi-Kenya.
  • Presented a Paper at the African Economic Research Consortium Biannual Research Workshop, May/ June 2010-Sarova Beach Hotel, Mombasa, Kenya.
  • Presented a Paper at the African Economic Research Consortium Biannual Research Workshop, May 27th -June 5th 2009-Sarova Beach Hotel, Mombasa, Kenya.
  • Presented a Paper at the Center for Study of African Economies (CSAE) Conference, March 21st-26th 2009-Oxford UK.
  • Presented a Paper at the Ad-hoc Expert Group Meeting in Macroeconomic Policy, Productive Capacity and Growth in Africa 24-25 November 2008, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  • Presented a Paper at the Trade Policy Training Centre in Africa (TRAPCA) Trade Policy Forum 28th Sept-1st Oct 2008-ESAMI-Arusha Tanzania.
  • Presented a Paper at the African Economic Research Consortium Biannual Research Workshop, May 31st-June 5th 2008-Imperial Resort Beach Hotel, Entebbe, Uganda.
  • Presented a Paper at the Vienna Institute for International Economics International Workshop 15th-16th January 2008-Vienna Austria.
  • Resource Person: Economic Literacy for Civil servants Organized by the World Bank Institute and Uganda Management Institute (UMI) 2004.
  • Workshop on Electronic learning using the KEWEL environment, organized by Makerere University Business School, Uganda and University of The Cape, South Africa 2003.

Research Awards

  • Highly Commended Award Winner at Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2019 (<http://www.emeraldinsight.com/literati>). Bbaale, E. (2018), “Determinants of interest rate in emerging markets: A study of banking financial institutions in Uganda”, World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 14 Issue: 3, pp.267-290, https://doi.org/10.1108/WJEMSD-10-2017-0070.
  • Visiting Researcher at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, September to November 2017 sponsored by OeAD.
  • Journal of African Economies Visiting Fellow, Center for study of African Economies, Department of Economics, University of Oxford. April-June 2013
  • Highly Commended Award Winner at Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2012 (<http://www.emeraldinsight.com/literati>). Bbaale, E. (2011), “Firm Level Productivity and Exporting in the Uganda’s Manufacturing Sector” African Journal of Economic and Management Studies, Vol.2 (2) pp. 220-242.
  • IDRC Visiting Fellowship Award (USA): September 2010-September 2011
  • SIDA/SAREC Research Grant 2007.
  • Austrian Development Cooperation: North-South Dialogue Scholarship 2005-2008.
  • Belgian Technical Cooperation Scholarship, 2005 (turned it down in favor of the Austrian scholarship)