Cyprian Misinde, PhD


Cyprian Misinde, PhD


Department of Population Studies

Contact Info

Tel: +256 788 961314 | +256752972483

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Office Location: Department of Population Studies, Mathematics Building, Office 102



I am a Population and Social Scientist with more than 14years of experience in teaching, research and consultancy. I hold a Doctorate in Childhood Studies from Queen’s University Belfast, Masters of Art in Population and Development and Bachelor of Arts with majors in Sociology. I have done a number of consultancies where I am the Team leader and I have published 13 papers in a peer reviewed journals since 2016. I teach Elements of Sociology and Anthropology, Rural and Urban Development and Research methods to both undergraduate and graduate students.


  • PhD in Childhood Studies, Queen's University Belfast, 2015
  • M.A in Population and Development, Makerere University, 2007
  • B.A (Majors in Sociology), Makerere University, 1999

Research Interests

My research Interest focusses on the wellbeing of children especially the vulnerable children, vulnerable population, Population and Development, measurements and development of measurement tools and methods, Demography, Childhood studies, Monitoring and Evaluation, and Sociology. I am particularly interested in studies that use child friendly methods and human rights approaches. I have excellent skills and experience in leadership, quantitative data analysis using Stata, SPSS and MLWIN softwares; and also qualitative research and analytical skills.

Courses Taught

  • BPS 1104 -Elements of Sociology and Anthropology
  • BPS 1206- Sociology of Development
  • BPS 2210- Research Methods
  • DMG 7202- Urban and Rural Development
  • DMG 7301- Research Methods
  • DMG 7103- Basic Demographic Methods


  • Nankinga, O., Kwagala, B., Misinde, C., & Walakira, E. J. (2021). Childcare Arrangements and Wellbeing of Children of Employed Women in Central Uganda. Child Indicators Research, 1-19.
  • Misinde, C. A critical evaluation of The Uganda Education Act 2018 from the child’s rights perspectives, a book chapter in Contemporary issues in educational research, policies and practice in the global south” book project, Makerere University, (Forthcoming)
  • Agaba, P., & Misinde, C. (2020). Predictors of the Timing and Number of Antenatal Care Visits among Unmarried Compared To Married Youth in Uganda Between 1995 And 2011.
  • Butler, M., & Misinde, C. (2020). Worsening Child Outcomes? Caregiver Imprisonment and Its Impact on Child Poverty, Health, Well-being and Education in Uganda. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 1-19.
  • Patrick Walugembe, Wamala, R., & Misinde, C.(2019). The Rights of Children with Disabilities and the Influence of Disability on Household Vulnerability: A Case of Vulnerability in Rural Uganda. Canadian Journal of Children’s Rights: Vol 6 No 1 (2019): Disability and Children’s Rights . DOI:
  • Patrick Walugembe, P., Larok, R., Nakibuuka, N., Nyeko, JP., Thembo, J., Wamala, R., Misinde, C. (2018). Child Protection And Household Vulnerability: A Longitudinal Analysis Of Child Rights And Protection amongst vulnerable households and their families in Rural Uganda. Canadian Journal of Children’s Rights, Vol 5 1(2018). DOI:
  • Misinde, C., Nansubuga, E., & Nankinga, O. (2018). Out of school female adolescent employment status and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) risk in Uganda: is it a plausible relationship?. BMC public health, 18(1), 1173.
  • Misinde, C. (2018). Child Living Conditions and Orphanhood Status in Uganda: an Extension of the Application of the Intrinsic Value Approach to Child Poverty Measurement. Child Indicators Research, 1-22.
  • Misinde, C. (2016). “An Intrinsic characteristics and Value of Poverty Indicators”: a New Method for Deriving Child Living Condition Scores and Poverty, in Uganda. Child Indicators Research, 1-30.
  • Nankinga, O., Misinde, C., & Kwagala, B. (2016). Gender relations, sexual behaviour, and risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections among women in union in Uganda. BMC public health, 16(1), 1.
  • Najjumba, I. M., Lwanga B. C., Kyaddondo, D., and Misinde, C. (2013). Improving Learning in Uganda Vol. 1: Community-Led School Feeding Practices. Washington, DC: World Bank.