Dr. Joweria Teera Hands Over Office to Dr. Faisal Buyinza

The Department of Economic Theory and Analysis at Makerere University witnessed a significant transition as Dr. Joweria Teera handed over the reins to Dr. Faisal Buyinza. This ceremonial handover, held in the university’s Faculty of Economics, marked a new chapter in the department’s journey while celebrating the achievements and contributions of Dr. Teera during her tenure.

A Legacy of Excellence and Innovation

. Teera, who has served as the head of the department for the past eight years, is recognized for her transformative leadership and dedication to academic excellence. Under her guidance, the department has seen substantial growth in research output, student engagement, and partnerships with external organizations. She spearheaded initiatives that modernized the curriculum, integrating innovative teaching methods and focusing on real-world economic challenges.

In her parting remarks, Dr. Teera expressed gratitude to her colleagues and students for their support throughout her tenure. “It has been an honor to lead this department, and I am proud of what we have accomplished together,” she said. “I am confident that Dr. Buyinza will continue to drive our mission forward, bringing fresh perspectives and energy to the role.”

A Vision for the Future

Dr. Buyinza, who has an extensive background in economic analysis and research, is no stranger to the department. He has served as a senior lecturer and has been instrumental in guiding graduate students through complex research projects. His appointment as head of the department brings new enthusiasm and a vision for continued growth.

In his acceptance speech, Dr. Buyinza outlined his plans for the department, focusing on strengthening interdisciplinary research and enhancing collaborations with industry stakeholders. “I am excited to build on the strong foundation laid by Dr. Teera,” he stated. “Together, we will work towards creating a more dynamic and impactful department, one that contributes meaningfully to the field of economics and to Uganda’s development.”

Celebrating Collaboration and Teamwork

The handover ceremony was attended by faculty members, and representatives from the university administration. Dean of the School of Economics, Prof. Ibrahim Mike Okumu, praised Dr. Teera for her leadership and welcomed Dr. Buyinza to his new role. “Dr. Teera’s leadership has been invaluable, and we are grateful for her contributions,” he said. “We also look forward to working with Dr. Buyinza as he takes on this important position.”

As Dr. Buyinza steps into his new role, the Department of Economic Theory and Analysis at Makerere University is poised for a vibrant future, with a strong focus on fostering economic understanding and contributing to the broader academic and economic landscape.


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