Deputy Principal’s Message


Dr. James Wokadala, Deputy Principal, CoBAMS

I am delighted to introduce you to the College of Business and Management Sciences at Makerere University. I am excited to share our commitment to academic excellence, innovation, and student success.

At our college, we offer a diverse range of programs designed to prepare our students for success in today’s dynamic global marketplace. Whether you are interested in pursuing a degree in Business Administration, Economics, Finance, Marketing, Statistics, Population Studies, Actuarial Sciences or any other field within the realm of business and management sciences, we provide a comprehensive education that blends theoretical knowledge with practical skills.

Our faculty members are experts in their respective disciplines, dedicated to nurturing intellectual curiosity and fostering critical thinking among our students. We prioritize a learning environment that encourages collaboration, creativity, and ethical leadership.

Beyond academics, we believe in holistic development. Our campus boasts state-of-the-art facilities, extensive resources, and numerous opportunities for extracurricular activities, internships, and community engagement.

I invite you to explore our website further to learn more about our programs, faculty, student life, and the numerous opportunities awaiting you at the College of Business and Management Sciences. Whether you are embarking on your academic journey or seeking to advance your career through further education, we are here to support and guide you every step of the way.

Thank you for considering the College of Business and Management Sciences. We look forward to welcoming you to our vibrant community.

Warm regards,

Prof. James Wokadala
Deputy Principal
College of Business and Management Sciences

Our Ambition

Our ambition is to make it to the very top and it is my humble appeal to invite all of you to be part of this journey by supporting and participating in some of flagship initiatives such as the College Endowment Fund, the Policy Labs and Infrastructure Expansion.

I also invite all our stakeholders to continually engage us and provide feedback to enable us improve. It is a unique priviledge for me to be of service to all of you.